Sherwood Smith

Writer of fantasy, historical romance, and science fiction


Writer stuff:

Spring 2025

Current writing projects, a new adventure in the Dobrenica series, now that I have the rights back and have been reissuing Coronets and Steel, Blood Spirits and Revenant Eve. Ideas are coalescing in both the world of Two Moons, and in Sartorias-deles.

I have a Discord at #SherwoodSmith. (Trying to figure out how to create a link from here to here)

I’m in the slow process of getting audio recordings made of the books whose rights I control. The voice actors all bring a lot of talent to their readings! Crown Duel is done and available. Ditto Coronets and Steel, The Blood Mage Texts, The Trouble With Kings. and Marend of Marloven Hess. A Stranger to Command is coming along. In other series, The Phoenix Feather: Fledglings is done, and its sequel in process.

My laughable attempts at marketing:

You can read a chapter a day of current projects on my Patreon and discussion of same, and other subjects.

Being one of the many authors who have no skill (or budget) for marketing, I am grateful for word of mouth from readers. Here is a review that pretty much made my year.

I only send a newsletter when I have something coming out. Sign up here to be notified. I promise I will only send one out when I have actual news, unless you sign up for the version that sends occasional notes about various of my published books. (Those letters go out every six weeks or so, not a bombardment.)


I’ve done two interviews with Fiction Fans Podcast. The most recent was about the Inda series, episode 49.

Katie and Jordan Heroine is a new podcast. Their first episodes focus on Crown Duel.

An interview at the Milford Writers’ site.

with writer Francesca Forrest, about Lhind, and villains

Henry Herz

Book View Cafe

Why I link my books to Bookview Cafe:

BVC (which offers its e-books in mobi and epub formats) was formed by a bunch of writers as a cooperative publishing effort. Books offered cross all genres, from science fiction to romance to historical to mainstream. We function as editors, copyeditors, formatters, cover artists, and site maintainers for one another. 90% of the proceeds go to the authors! That means that the author actually earns most of the money you pay, instead of publishers and big venues like Amazon, B&N, and iTunes.

Here is our latest offering, and this is my bookshelf.

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